Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hangover Bridesmaids

The history of the friendships in my life is rather revealing as the company I keep generally tends to be female company over male.  This is not to say that I don’t have male friends.  In fact most of my hobbies and recreational time is spent in male majority company.  Yet my nearest and dearest friends do tend to be female.  Being divorced, I look back on how I would change or improve things if I had another go at being married.  I would like to have a nicer wedding and actually have a group of people standing next to me supporting me as I tie the knot.  Two movies, “The Hangover” and “Bridesmaids” have come out these past years making me wonder if I might actually have “groomsmaids” instead of best men due to my friendship preference. 
When hard times have hit me, there has always been a good female friend to be by my side as I struggled during my life.  I can’t thank them enough for the time and care they put into being my friend.  I don’t know if I can repay them ever.  I’m not bashing those guys that have stuck around.  But it is nice to know when things got tough, a female friend always invested the time needed. 
As with most of my writing, I keep names out of it.  Seeing “Bridesmaids” you get to see how some females can get upset if another female steps in to be friends.  I am not saying men can’t be jealous, because they certainly can be.   It is just my experience that females seem to feel threatened by others more than males.  The movie takes it to the extreme.  I just hope if/when the time comes and all my friends come together, they can do so in peace.  All my friends are great people.  You all have touched me in many ways that makes me care and love you.  Drunken drugged up pre-wedding parties with strippers and party favor puppies aren’t needed, especially if they will lead to fighting or me being trapped on a roof.  For once I hope to have a happy beginning in my life and that all my friends are there to witness it.

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